Sunday 3 August 2014

Plus Size OOTD: I'm Not Cool

Do you all remember the film School of Rock? And the little Asian kid that plays piano? Well that's me when he thinks he's not cool enough to be in the band.

I've just moved to Bristol and I've been here for about 4 weeks now and I have found out that I am not cool enough to be here. I live near to the coolest street in Bristol and I seriously need to up my game in the cool stakes.

I'm just joking though, my mum says I'm cool and she always tells the truth. And to be honest I'm not bothered about seeming 'cool' because I'm totally happy with my ever changing style.

Excuse the frequency of the word 'cool'.

Aaaaanyway. Just to prove how 'rad' I am, this was the day I signed up for the library in the centre of Bristol and it was HOT! In fact I think this was the day that the heatwave started.

So we've already established that the hoodie was a bad idea because by the time I had walked 50 minutes to the library I was a hot mess. But that was 8 pounds from Primark and it's just my go to jacket. Everyone needs a basic black hoodie in their wardrobe.

My skirt is also from Primark for 4 pounds and I love it because it reminds me of the film Clueless. This t-shirt is one that my mum gave me because when I moved I packed away all of my t-shirts, but luckily she said I could keep it as it was only 2 pounds from Idon'tknowwhere. So thanks mum, it goes perfectly with this skirt!

My pumps, you've all seen before, are just basic ones from Primark but are so comfy, I don't think I'll ever throw them away (much to the disdain of my parents).

Lastly, I want to apologise for my lack of posts lately. With moving and graduating it's been busy and I haven't been very well. But like Take That, I'm back for good. Even though I can't remember when they last had a single out so maybe that's not the best example.

Anyway, 'til next time...

Sam x

1 comment:

  1. Wow, you have a blog :)
    Nice entry. But I think you do suit Bristol very well :)
