Thursday 14 August 2014

Fashion Icons Throughout The Ages: 30's and 40's Marlene Dietrich.

I said this would be a weekly slot but I haven't been able to do that, but here is the next installment. I've decided to focus on the 30's and 40's as one because they are so similar.

My fashion icon for this era is Marlene Dietrich, a wonderful actress in this time. She was not only brilliant at what she did, but she was a strong and individual woman. I chose her because she was so different from the stereotypical style of the time, wearing men's suits quite a lot of the time. Even when she wasn't wearing men's suits, she was still often sporting an androgenous look. In a time when most women were wearing girdles, Dietrich was very different and that is why I admire her.

This beautiful photo of her sums up her style and overall sass and so I thought it was perfect to take my inspiration from.

I really enjoyed putting this look together and I've had these trousers for ages and have been trying to pair them with something without much luck. It just goes to show that taking inspiration from someone else can give ideas you would never have thought of. 

The other thing about this outfit I like is that it is more angrodenous than I usually go for, but I'm surprised by how much I like it and how comfortable I feel. I think because I am a lady of the larger variety, I always make the effort to be more girly, but actually I think this look is really flattering.

So the details. The shoes are just some white tennis pumps from Asda, and the trousers were just 2 pounds from a charity shop. They're those kind of granny trousers but with the bottoms rolled up they look a bit better. The top is from Primark for 2 pounds and the blazer is also from Primark. I got this blazer years ago and I've never found another one like it, it just fits so owell and it's a lovely material.

Overall, I love this look, and I will be wearing this a lot more often. Marlene Dietrich is a fabulous fashion icon to take influence from and it has made me step a little out of my comfort zone.
Next time I will be focusing on the 1950's so check back for more!

Sam x

Tuesday 12 August 2014

Plus Size OOTD: Retro Lily Allen

Hello all, today's post is from an outfit I wore during the heatwave. Unfortunately we have not been so lucky with the weather as of late. It looks like I might even have to dig out some tights soon! I don't know which I prefer: sodding wet tights or sweaty thigh chafing. I think you'll agree it's a difficult choice.

But for this outfit I went for the sweaty thigh chafing (is that too much info?). I didn't deliberately try to channel a retro Lily Allen look but I did end up doing it a little. When I say retro Lily, I mean prom dresses and trainers, we all remember that don't we? It was the early noughties, a time where we thought we could mix uber formal with downright trashy. I've inadvertently updated that look for a more modern touch by having the extremes less far apart.

This dress is from New Look a couple of years ago and it is a little short, but I love it and wear it quite often. It's okay if I wear shorts underneath it, which I do with every skirt or dress because I'm always accidentally flashing my arse. When it's this big it's hard not to!

The dress is such a flattering shape (skater style) and a nice fabric that I don't think I'll ever bring myself to get rid of it, even when it's threadbare.

The trainers I have had for years, in fact, they might have been my mum's that I stole. I'm not sure, but I bet my mum conveniently remembers and will remind me next time I talk to her. They're Dunlop velcro trainers (I can do laces, I'm just lazy) and I like them because, while they are trainers, they look more like tennis shoes I think. Maybe I'm not thinking of tennis shoes, feel free to let me know.

So that was my look for a sweltering day. Goodbye Sun.

Until next time...

Sam x

Sunday 3 August 2014

Plus Size OOTD: Tartan Heatwave

We're having a heatwave! Yes in the UK! It's not even raining!

I am already over the extreme hot weather though as I had my graduation ceremony last week and I was a sweaty mess in my cap and gown, but there will be a post all about that very soon.

So my house mate and I decided to explore Bristol a bit today, though as with everything I do, it went a bit wrong. We planned to go some of the museums and I wanted to show her the library too, only we got to the first museum and saw a sign saying that all the things we wanted to see that day were closed due to a strike. We had picked the only day that was happening to go on our jaunt, so we just walked (and got lost) around Bristol.

But anyway, back to the outfit, and I did make a bit of an effort to be a little cooler. I don't know if I succeeded but I liked how it turned out anyway.

The dress I'm wearing is one of two little black dresses that I have had for yonks but go back to all the time. This one was on sale in H&M for about 3 quid around 2 years ago. You can't see but it's got a low back so you can dress it up or down.

The shirt I'm wearing is one of my favourite items of clothing and it was from George at Asda for around 8-10 pounds. My shoes are also just some plain white pumps from Asda and they're really comfy,  but also really slidey.

I decided to have my hair down today and sweep it to the side with a flower clip that I got for 99p on eBay.

We had an awesome day and found a big mirrored ball and so we had to take selfies obviously.

Well, until next time :)

Sam x

Plus Size OOTD: I'm Not Cool

Do you all remember the film School of Rock? And the little Asian kid that plays piano? Well that's me when he thinks he's not cool enough to be in the band.

I've just moved to Bristol and I've been here for about 4 weeks now and I have found out that I am not cool enough to be here. I live near to the coolest street in Bristol and I seriously need to up my game in the cool stakes.

I'm just joking though, my mum says I'm cool and she always tells the truth. And to be honest I'm not bothered about seeming 'cool' because I'm totally happy with my ever changing style.

Excuse the frequency of the word 'cool'.

Aaaaanyway. Just to prove how 'rad' I am, this was the day I signed up for the library in the centre of Bristol and it was HOT! In fact I think this was the day that the heatwave started.

So we've already established that the hoodie was a bad idea because by the time I had walked 50 minutes to the library I was a hot mess. But that was 8 pounds from Primark and it's just my go to jacket. Everyone needs a basic black hoodie in their wardrobe.

My skirt is also from Primark for 4 pounds and I love it because it reminds me of the film Clueless. This t-shirt is one that my mum gave me because when I moved I packed away all of my t-shirts, but luckily she said I could keep it as it was only 2 pounds from Idon'tknowwhere. So thanks mum, it goes perfectly with this skirt!

My pumps, you've all seen before, are just basic ones from Primark but are so comfy, I don't think I'll ever throw them away (much to the disdain of my parents).

Lastly, I want to apologise for my lack of posts lately. With moving and graduating it's been busy and I haven't been very well. But like Take That, I'm back for good. Even though I can't remember when they last had a single out so maybe that's not the best example.

Anyway, 'til next time...

Sam x

Wednesday 9 July 2014

Plus Size Fashion: OOTD Polka Dots and Cut Outs

Today I was off to a rehearsal for a play that I'm doing the publicity for and just felt like dressing a little girly. This dress is the oldest dress I have in my wardrobe and it was from Primark about 4 years ago so it's done pretty well to get this far, but this was the last time I wore it because it's in the bin now! I'm wearing a top over it because the straps are all broken and the top part of the dress is just generally skanky.

The top is one of my favourites and I have it in this colour and white. I got the top from New Look in the winter sale for 3 quid so it was a bargain!

The shoes are just cheap, pink Primark pumps but they are just the comfiest shoes ever. Unfortunately they wear really fast but I guess that's no surprise.

Overall, this outfit was the wrong decision for today as it was bloody hot and layers and long sleeves do not go with hot weather. I make this mistake too often.

Anyway, my hair is just in my regular style and for my make up I went for a brown smoky eye with a brown lip.

Sorry for the hiatus recently, I'm back on track now!

Talk to you soon!

Sam x

Monday 2 June 2014

Plus Size Fashion: OOTD A Fat Girl With Her Midriff Out!?!?

Controversial I know, and some people might not like it but then, they don't have to wear it! This is actually one of the most comfortable outfits I've worn so far on this blog, and although it's not sunny today, I suffer with hot flushes so I'm my own personal radiator.

I love cropped tops, though I don't have the typical figure for it, and I usually wear very high-waisted things with them. But today I thought what the hell, if I think I look good and I'm happy with it then I'm bloody well wearing it. I know that it's not a lot of midriff but I think it's quite enough for me.

Straying away from the subject of my stomach, I love the fun feel of this outfit and it's made me feel really happy today. Today I'm going out with friends on a tourist day of Bath (even though we live here) and in the evening we are going to vegetate in a pub somewhere. I thought this outfit was perfectly between casual and outgoing for such a days activities. I honestly can't tell you how good this outfit makes me feel!

So the components. The shorts are from H&M and they were 7.99. I had been looking for some comfortable shorts that were high waisted for ages and I actually had a voucher for H&M when I found these. They are so comfortable and look great with a tan.

The top is one from Urban Outfitters in the sale about a year ago, although I have definitely seen one still there recently. The only way I can fit into Urban Outfitters is if I buy their 'oversized' stuff, otherwise I'm confined to the home wear section with the rest of the plus size girls.

I find Urban Outfitters so odd. This top is sized as a small. I think we all know that is not a word you'd use to describe me, but it's still baggy on me. Weird.

The hoodie is just your general Primark hoodie, but everyone needs a black one in their wardrobe. The pumps I'm wearing are also from Primark. I think everyone in the world must own a pair of these and I refuse to buy vans when these look exactly the same. I think the hoodie was 8 and the pumps were 4 or 5 pounds.

For my hair I've gone for a style I've never done before but I really like the two little bunches, I think they're fun and a bit 90's.

I haven't been able to wear close fitting high-waisted bottoms like this... umm... ever, so I'm super happy that this outfit looks good (in my opinion). I hope this gives you a little more confidence to wear whatever the hell you want. People who say anything horrible about you or to you are simply jealous. We all know that, and I know it's hard to truly believe it but we'll all get there!

If you have an outfit that you think you 'shouldn't' wear but love, send your picture or a link. We all want to see!

Also, my Summer Ball post will be coming soon!

Sam x

Tuesday 27 May 2014

Fashion Icons Through the Ages: 1920's Coco Chanel

When you think of Chanel as a brand, you're immediately drawn to the simple and classic style that Coco Chanel herself was a pioneer for. She blew the corseted silhouette for women out of the water, and wore trousers when they were still thought to be just for men.

The epitome of style, Coco made a staple of simple black tops with strings of pearls and the signature Chanel boxy jacket. 

Google an image of Coco Chanel and you'll find pictures of her in wide leg trousers with her hands in her pockets; she was a woman well beyond her time, undoubtedly the coolest woman of the 20's.

Famous for advising 'before you leave the house, look in the mirror and take one thing off', Coco Chanel's monochromatic style never seems to date. Celebrities are constantly imitating her style and Karl Lagerfeld continues to promote her legacy through his own similar sleek style.

Nothing about Coco Chanel is fussy or taken for granted. Every piece on her body, including perfume, is meticulously thought about, creating the faultless fashion icon of the 1920's that we love.

Within these posts I am going to challenge myself to create an outfit inspired by each of these style icons. I'm not going to try to imitate them because I want my own style to be complimented by my influences rather than covered by them.

The main influence I've taken from Chanel is the monochromatic theme so I've got a simple black dress which is actually a midi dress that I hoiked up with a belt to be a bit shorter. The dress is from H&M for £7.99 and is the perfect basic. I might even do a series of posts on how to use this dress in different outfits.

I just paired this with a black and white striped top from newlook ages ago. I thought that a whole string of pearls was a bit much for me personally so I went with a short string with small pearls instead.

For shoes I just went with smart brogues from Primark years ago but it's always a good idea to have brogues in your wardrobe as they're a classic staple that will never go out of style.

I really like this outfit and will be wearing again because I love the simplicity and it's a bit different to what I normally go for. It's good to go outside of your style comfort zone!

The next installment in this series will be an icon from the 1920's and 30's.

Tune in for that!

Sam x