Thursday 8 May 2014

DIY: Revamped hoop earrings

Hello all, something a bit different for you today; a DIY! This was super simple and ultra cheap, but still such an effective idea. Well I'm just going to right on into it.

You will need:
Hoop Earrings (Mine were 5 sets for a pound in Primark. Bargain!)
Embroidery or cross stitch thread.

Step 1.

Tie the thread to one end of the hoop. It doesn't really matter which one but do a very tight double not to make sure it's secure.

Step 2.

Making sure that the loose end is tucked in, start windings the thread around the metal. You tuck the thread in so that the knot is even more secure, and you don't have anything dangling off in mid-air.

Step 3.

Carry on winding until you get to the other end of the hoop, making sure you keep it tight. You can do it this way so that you can't see any of the gold showing through, or you can do it more spaced apart so that you can. It's up to your preference.

Step 4.

When you get to the end do another double knot, making sure it is very tight.

Step 5. (optional)

Since making these earrings I have actually covered the end in a layer of super glue so that I know that they're not going anywhere!

And there you have it, your new revamped, slightly ghetto fabulous, earrings. You'll no doubt see these in a future oufit of the day post so keep a look out and let me know if you make some yourself!

Sammy x

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