Saturday 17 May 2014

Plus Size Fashion: Casual OOTN and Jelly Shoes

This is the last post for today I promise (at least it gives you good bedtime reading material).

This week I've had a little more time to go out of an evening so I've had excuses to dress up a bit nicer. I did go out for a curry and loved my outfit but the pictures were a bit dodge so I'll retake them soon and post about that.

This OOTN was a bit more casual as friends and I were just walking around Bath listening to the music that was being played in loads of different venues around the city for a one night festival. It was a great night to be outside so we went to Bath Parade Gardens to watch a few bands, including The Zu Zu Men who did a 20 minute medley of songs. They were really something else and we even managed a little subtle dancing.

Before I get onto the actual outfit I need to do a little more babbling. The three of us listening to the band in park saw our future selves. It was like something out of Back To The Future, it was uncanny. The were around mum age and their children looked mortified as they were busting out their best mum dance moves. I personally love mum dancing so I was happy to see my future self doing it so well.

Anyway back to the actual subject of this post. I was feeling pretty tired from shopping in Bristol that day so I wasn't up for pretty dresses or whatever, but I wanted to wear a couple things that I got in Primark. The top I have on was 2 (my pound sign is still broken) and my housemate said it was a little highschool musical and I have to agree but I love these style tops. It's so soft and you could wear it with anything.

I'm also wearing my trusty dark blue jeggings that I got years ago at Tesco from the F&F range. They've now got a hole dangerously close to my lady garden but I can't throw them away because I can't find another pair that fit like these do. Unfortunately I tried to buy jeggings from Tesco again but they must have changed the pattern because they just don't fit the same. I'll be wearing these until they are just rags with a waistband.

Now for the crowning glory of this somewhat boring outfit, the heeled jelly shoes. If you don't by now, I love the 90's; not just the fashion, but everything. When jelly shoes started being produced in adult sizes I was all over it like a rash. I got two flat pairs from Primark months ago but was waiting for them to produce the heeled version because I knew it would only be a matter of time.

Now, I was going to wear these jelly shoes to my summer ball, which I know some people will think a little odd. I've since changed the dress I'm going to wear so they don't match anymore, but the beauty of it is they were only six pounds and so it doesn't matter and I can wear them any time I like now. Inevitably, I was going to end up with a pair anyway (I know I have too many shoes mum but look at them). I couldn't be happier with them and everyone is jealous mwahahaha.

Okay they have given me rather bad blisters, but what's a little pain if your feet look this cute?

Well, that's it for this post but hopefully I'll be back updating again tomorrow!

Sam x

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