Monday 26 May 2014

Plus Size Fashion: Celebrity Makeover Photoshoot

I recently got asked in my Student's Union to fill out a survey. It was just about online shopping and the guy said that you could win prizes for completing it. I wasn't holding out much hope for that, but I ended up winning a celebrity makeover photoshoot with one free photo to take home.

Unfortunately I couldn't take any photos inside the building but I have included some of the final photos.

The day was great, and I could take a friend who would also have a makeover and her photos taken, so I took my friend Harriet (whose blog you can find here: ).

We were both a little out of our comfort zone, we'd never had someone else do our make up and hair and I for one am very particular about that. I'll admit I am anal about my hair and make up but the girls did a great job on both of our make up looks. My hair was a little more bouffant than I like it to be but once it had flattened a little throughout the shoot I was much happier with it.

Our photographer was lovely and helped to put us more at ease and we ended up with some absolutely great photos. I got 11 photos for a very discounted price partly because I was a prize winner.

For those of you living in Bath or surrounding areas, this service is from Art Team Makeovers which is located in Bath city centre. I highly recommend it!

Sam x

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