Monday 26 May 2014

Plus Size Fashion: OOTD Neon in the sun

The sun finally came out! Admittedly not for long; it's fairly overcast today. But the main thing is, it was here. For some amount of time.

I think I've probably said this before but coming from South Devon means that whenever the weather gets even slightly mild, we all start wearing shorts and dresses and you'd be pushed to find a man with his top on. As there are a lot of marines and young farmers around Torquay, I'm not wholly opposed to this!

So naturally, I sought out the shortest shorts I could find. I know some people think that because I am a lady of a larger variety, I shouldn't be wearing short shorts, but I'm pretty proud of my legs and I had a fresh (fake) tan, so God dammit I was going to get them out. And why should I let other people dictate my fashion choices? If they ain't Gok Wan, I don't give a damn!

So these shorts are just some cheapies from H&M that I usually wear for pyjamas, but they were freshly washed and accentuated my tan. They are so comfortable and don't show my bum cheeks so that's definitely a winner in my book.

As I was going to the park with my friends for a picnic, it would be around the middle of the day when the sun is strongest. For that reason, I wore this big loose t-shirt that is also from H&M. It was nice and big so still cool enough for a hot day, but it also kept me protected as I burn very easily on my back and shoulders. However, you can still be sunburnt through clothes so of course I kept my sunscreen topped up.

I'm very particular about protection from the sun now. Apart from it bringing on premature ageing, I had to have a mole taken off last year that the doctor thought was suspicious, which was enough for me to seriously think about how I protect myself in the sun, as the mole wasn't even in a place I got burnt very much. So if you're wondering what the little scar on my left ankle is, that's where I had the mole taken off.

For shoes I just wore my white jellie sandals from Primark. I think I must have extremely thin skin on my feet because the amount of blisters I get is horrendous. Or it could be the shoes I'm wearing! It is that but beauty is pain. So that's why you can see big old plasters all over my feet.

It was a lovely day with my friends out in front of the Royal Crescent in Bath. We're all graduating this year so we're making an effort to do as much as we can before we all leave.

Until next time!

Sam x

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